My Other Blog (weekly)

  • “Sometimes, using Google is better than using library databases, especially for certain texts like government documents and other primary sources. Here’s a short (less than two minutes) video I created that shows you how to harness the power that is Google for your research.”

    tags: google research Google Search Google Scholar

  • “A Twitter search can often reveal resources and ideas that you might not find through your typical Google searches. You don’t have to have a Twitter account in order to search on Twitter. In the video below I provide a short demonstration of how to search for educational content on Twitter.”

    tags: search twitter twitter search search engine

  • “The pomodoro method, so named for the tomato kitchen timers used by the creator (pomodoro is the Italian word for “tomato”), is a time management technique. Started by author, entrepreneur, and developer Francesco Cirillo, the pomodoro method divides hours into shorter intervals, usually 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break. This allows for an enhanced level of focus for longer periods of time with less drop-off in terms of attention span. So by reducing the time interval that students have to focus on a given task, they are actually able to increase their level of focus and productivity.”

    tags: pomodoro

  • “I researched the topic and found 23 popular and outside-the-box ideas for what to do with your Twitter list. See what I learned in the post below, and add your favorite uses in the comments.”

    tags: twitter twitter tools twitter lists

  • “Hendo is introducing the world’s first REAL hoverboard and hover developer kit. We are putting hover technology in YOUR hands.”

    tags: hoverboard kickstarter

  • “As search engines get better, we become lazier. We’re hooked on easy answers and undervalue asking good questions”

    tags: search search engines google Google Search neuroscience

  • “augmented learning is all that and more: enhanced learner experience and achievement. Before you scroll down to see how long this article is, (and whether this is worth your time), know that augmented learning is here to stay. It has the potential for enriching a learning environment and enticing learners for more. If you are an instructional designer (or if any relative of yours is) you need to update your instruction design toolbox already. Augmented reality is not hard to create and it certainly isn’t limited to software engineers. Augmented reality check: do you like your smartphone? You will want to learn how to implement this element in your course. If you don’t like your smartphone, well, now you are really missing out!”

    tags: augmented reality AR

  • “Well, Choose Your Own Statistics lets you find out what the numbers mean and see where you fit in the Big Picture. “

    tags: statistics abc ABC Splash

  • “This series guides you step by step through the process of class and student blogging. Each step includes links to class blogs being used by educators so you can check out how other educators use their blogs.  Many of the examples are from primary grades but the same principles apply regardless of student age including adult learner. The activities can be completed at your own pace and in any order!”

    tags: blogging edublogs teacher challenge

  • “Over the past few years, Apple has released a series of OS technologies that connect devices using Bluetooth, WiFi or a combination of the two wireless technologies. Here’s how the new Apple Watch—as well as AirDrop, iBeacon and the new Continuity features of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite—work to deliver simple, efficient and fast wireless connectivity, in marked contrast to Google’s rival efforts for Android.”

    tags: ios ios10 bluetooth iBeacon

  • “I am a proud geek and father of three young children. I taught myself to code Basic at the age of 12 on my father’s Commodore 64, and I actively encourage my children to be enthused by the notion of building with digital tools. But I don’t necessarily agree with the notion that every child must learn how to code.”

    tags: code coding computational thinking

  • ““On September 26, Google announced a new algorithm impacting more than 90 percent of searches worldwide. They called it Hummingbird. Google’s Amit Singhal later said it was perhaps the largest change to the algorithm since he joined the company back in 2001. Hummingbird allows the Google search engine to better do its job through an improvement in semantic search. As conversational search becomes the norm, Hummingbird lends understanding to the intent and contextual meaning of terms used in a query.””

    tags: search Google Search

  • “I think that at most ed tech conferences we’re also missing opportunities. That session on the latest Google Chrome extensions isn’t going to change a kid’s life. That tools smackdown isn’t likely to make students’ learning much better (no, really, it isn’t). And those sessions on 60 iPad apps in 60 minutes? Well…”

    tags: conferences ed tech professional development pd

  • “If you’re running low on storage space on your iPhone or iPad, you may think you just have too many apps installed, or that your music collection is getting out of hand. But that may not be the case entirely. Instead, there might be a heap of hidden files that are taking up space on your iOS device. They’re not as easy to get rid of like apps are, but there are ways to free up this space. When you plug in your iOS device to your computer and open up iTunes you can see what exactly is taking up space on your iPhone or iPad. You can also see the different categories the used memory is under, such as Apps, Games, Music, Movies, TV Shows and a mysterious category known as “Other.””

    tags: storage ipad Michelle Berner

  • “For many educators seeking to plan a coding curriculum without having mastered the basics of computer science, it often appears to be a lot like buying a prom ticket before having secured a date.  Because of this, we have gone to great lengths at Kodable to not only prepare educators to teach their students to code, but also unsubscribe from the myth that only those familiar with programming can teach computer science. On one occasion, we even went as far as to compare teaching programming to The Hobbit.  Through it all, we have proven time and time again that any willing and passionate educator can teach their students to code.”

    tags: coding code

  • “In this article, we take a quick look at 5 of the best online tools for creating infographics: Visme, Canva,, Piktochart, and All of these tools are evolving quickly, and this is just a snapshot of their current capabilities.”

    tags: infographics infographic

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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